| - The NEVER-ENDING pasta bowl SCAM!
Two weeks after getting out of the hospital, my husband took me to dinner at Olive Garden. We each ordered a never-ending pasta bowl. Mine was chicken fettuccine. My husband ordered lasagna. However, the drama was never-ending, not the lasagna.
Our waitress was slow and not very good. But, that wasn't the main problem. My husband's a hard working man. He wanted a second piece of lasagna. I no brainer, right? Not so fast. The waitress brought out the second helping of "lasagna" in a small bowl.
The second serving of "lasagna" was not a nice square piece. Rather, it was a bowl of goulash leftovers. My husband and I explained to the waitress this was unacceptable. My husband wanted a second piece of square lasagna, like the first.
The waitress took the goulash back. She returned with a second small bowl of goulash leftovers. My husband I both compared it to a dog dish. Then, the man at the table behind my husband turned around and put his hand on my husband saying, "calm down, buddy." My husband told him, "Don't put your hands on me." I said, "let's go."
We attempted to head to the front of the restaurant to pay the bill away from this confrontational patron. The manager, Shawna, blocked our path. She said, "you have to pay your bill." We both clearly stated, "we will pay our bill." We wanted to move to an un-confrontational area to do so.
However, rather than taking us to the front or the bar, anywhere away from the confrontational patron, Shawna kept us blocked in the middle of the dining area entry. This was a very unprofessional handling of a situation which could have been resolved with a square piece of lasagna.
Shawna and Francisco, both managers, insist the goulash serving is part of a business model.
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, on Olive Garden!
Yours truly,
The Annis Family