I'm super let down with these lashes. I've had lashes last me 2/3 weeks before and I can't even get through a week without going back for a fill.
I'm spending $60 a week for my lashes to fall out in around 4days.
1st, I don't wear eye makeup at all no liner no shadow
2nd I bought there lash cleaner $20 product and use it exactly how they tell me too.
3rd I wash my face never use my cleanser on my eyelashes just incase it has oil in them.
I take really good care of my lashes and There just falling out, I've been told it's my "body chemistry " and thats just the way my eyelashes are??? Ermm... no, I've had someone in California do my eyelashes and then last weeks. $60 for a master artist every 6days, is ridiculous.
My eyelashes are patchy and spare I had them done on the 2nd of September.
Last time I'm going here.