| - I'm sure they are all very nice people. But i should of walked out when i had the chance. I scheduled a chem peel at the last minute on a Saturday. I called at 1pm and they said they could see me at 3:15. I got there 5 minutes early and checked in. I then sat for over 40 minutes before someone said the person I was seeing was running behind. No, really? I kept getting ready to leave, but I really wanted to try a peel and i knew all other places around there would be closing soon.
Finally I get in to see the person I had the appt with. She was really nice but was having an off day it seemed. She couldnt find anything she needed, other staff came in and out of the room looking for stuff during the peel and the atmosphere was not at all relaxing.
When she started the peel, I guess it was supposed to tingle or something...I felt nothing. She said we could do more "layers" but each layer cost an additional fee. Fine, whatever. We did all the "layers" allowed and I literally felt a slight tingle on the last layer. Then she started going "serum" crazy. Like Serum after serum after serum. One was a vitamin C serum. And it turned me oompa loompa orange. So she hads me a mirror when she's all done and I'M ORANGE. So she finally realizes it - blames the lighting - and starts trying to wipe it off. But all the serums start coming off and its just falling off in chunks. So she's like, eh good enough, otherwise I'll just rub all the stuff, ok. BUT I'M ORANGE!
She kept telling me I'd peel a bunch in by Monday and I needed to use this really good moisturizor. Gave me a .25 oz sample size and charged me $5 for it. Thanks!
My skin DID look pretty good. and the next day it was tight and dry. But i never peeled. and that $5 lotion? Instead of peel, I broke out like a mo fo. No nice skin a week later, no reduction in scars or age spots, nadda.
I was going to give them a 2nd chance, but after writing all this, I realized what a crappy experience it was and I went ahead and cancelled that 2nd appointment. I'm going to try a dermalogist instead.