I never went to the original location, and frankly don't know what all the crybabying is about; you can see what this place "has become" as the full restaurant is viewable from the entirely-windowed front of the place.
Anyway, this place is kinda lame and possibly misleading; it urges you to "Think healthy!" with that phrase plastered on the windows in a very obnoxious repeating/subliminal pattern, but this is some of the most greasy Indian food I've ever had. I don't get why the spinach sauce has to be so oily; maybe it makes sense for masala as it uses butter or cream or something, but I felt like they just went nuts with the oils in the sauce. Seems to me that adds a lot more calories than what they post.
The TV plays this hilarious but demeaning Indian TV channel that shows Indian gangster rappers or something. It's wild and probably off-putting to the high-brow folks who have given this place a bad review based on its past incarnation. I just think it's stupid and silly, not sure what the owner's thinking.
Despite the hoity toity crowd's whining, they are right about one thing: This place is fastfoodish. Looks like all the fixins come from a bag, and it's like a hospital cafeteria. Sure am glad my entree was free with some card I got to try the place; anyone who pays for this is a sucker!