| - Here's my Mapleside Rating Equation...
+5 Stars = I've been coming here since I was a little girl. Mostly with my grandma so this place has a lot of nostaglia going on for me. The grounds are gorgeous, there's something just breathtaking about this piece of land.
-2 Stars = I'm not sure if Mapleside is under new ownership but in my opinion they've waaaaaaaaay over commercialized this place! I know, I know they need to make money and having droves of kids and their families come in everyday of the week is the way to get it - but it just made it, well, less magical for me.
-3 Stars = I know Mother Nature is to blame for our recent bouts of rain - but OMG, can we say MUD PIT?! The weekend I visited my shoes were ruined (my bad for not thinking ahead and wearing rain boots), but everywhere you stepped it was squish, squash - so nasty.
-1 Star = The hayride was pulled by a tractor... last year they had beautiful horses pulling the rides. While I'm a fan of those horsies getting some rest, it took away from the legit country-esque feeling for me.
+1 Star = The corn maze, while I did not partake - was sweet! You could see it from atop the hill and it looked HUGE! Plus, they had an awesome looking Jump Park (kids only, sorry adults!) that was filled with screaming (with joy, of course) kids.
+1 Star = For *effort* in attempting to create a "Super Slide" down the hill as an alternative route to Pumpkin Village. But, it was a major fail. Even with a generous amount of baby oil and what looked like tire shine slopped on - adults and kids alike were having a hard time making it all the way down.
-2 Stars = Where did the seasonal nicknack shop go?! Last year we were able to purchase the cutest Halloween decoations that looked very artsy and now this year all I could find were wood puzzles and blankies?! Very sad.
+2 Stars = Thank God, the cider was still available and so were the delicious and large! caramel apples. Mmmmm...
+1 Star = Huge pumpkin selection and you could hit up the patch with your kids or pick one out in the shop.
+2 Stars = They were selling Campbell's Sweets Factory Fruity Popcorn - yummie! Definitely picked up some of that.
I am a fan, Mapleside, but you had me wishing we could rewind about ten years.