So I guess that this is where you go if you have no taste buds? The pizza has no flavor what so ever. I sampled 4 different slices and they all tasted the same, blah. I tried the pasta and it was also blah. Salad bar was sad, and not many toppings. The crotons, fake bacon bits and sunflower seeds had a small cup to scoop them them out. This is nasty since you have to hold the cup to scoop out the toppings and then the cup is thrown back in the container and touches the food. Ewe!
The pizza is under what I thought were heat lamps but none of the pizza was hot or even warm. They did not bring out a fresh pizza until every slice was gone so some sat there with one slice forever.
I did try a piece of the apple dessert pizza which was ok, I tried the cinnamon slice but it was hard as a rock. Most likely because it had been sitting there forever.
I didn't see anyone over the age of 18 working there. Maybe the manager was asleep in their office?