Buyer Beware this is my second post I don't know what happened to my first post. Melissa the store manager is prejudice. We were told by Kayla take your receipt and they'll pick up your mattress. We discuss this with Melissa in a normal calm way then she blurts out/states I feel threatened we replied huh we're asking to pick up the mattress as instructed but she looked white mixed like we all are. I guess that gave her an advantage she felt. So she called Henderson police can you believe it there we're two more men working there as well if she was so uncomfortable and threatened why didn't she call them over for assistance; thank goodness Henderson police saw through her drama took note mind you we stop the police and spoke to him since after speaking to Kayla said just leave the store she'd handle it. Black Americans Be ware of Melissa. Don't Buy iComfort Mattress by Serta very cheaply made and costly poor quality and materials ours sank after a month check out reviews on BBB Bureaus.