I still remember the first time I walked in to try the sandwiches at Corleone's.
I stood there in front of the register gazing at the menu thinking about what I would or should or could order.
The guy with a military type buzz cut interrupted unfocused decision making process asking me if this were my first time in. I responded saying yes and he immediately punched in a few buttons on the register as he told me what I would be having.
For a moment I though to myself "what a rude a-hole but then I thought well the guy knows whats good there and then I thought about how many times I wanted to just skip passed the silliness of dealing with indecisiveness of many people I had to work with and decided I liked that jerk who took my order.
I must say the order was definitely not what I would have ever chosen for myself but it was insanely good. It actually became the most common sandwich I would eat from that place. I introduced many people to this place and most feel the same that it is very good.
Now that I am here in Dallas, TX I have even recommended this place to friends out here when I found out they would be going out to Scottsdale for business. They ended up coming back bragging about how much they liked it.