So I made it out for "Black Friday" at this Best Buy location. I was in the market of a 60 inch flat screen t.v. I thought... let me see how much I can really save? So after waiting (3) hours in total for my purchase. I was pleased to see the Sharp Aquos 60 inch was priced at $799! The regular price is $1,200. I bought it! BUT I returned two days later and was curious on the price of the same t.v. So I went over to view it and it was still listed at the "out the door" price for black friday on a Sunday! I Point being, DON'T bother spending a ridiculous amount of time on black friday when the item can be purchased after the black friday event. UNREAL! I'm not bent over about it. Yet, note to SELF....I will NEVER shop black friday again.
Here's the link for the flat screen I just bought. Apparently it is only available in-store only. This location still has it.