| - After getting a deal on Groupon to finally take in my huge load of dry cleaning, I arrived in the morning to be greeted by a friendly gentleman up front. He gladly took my Groupon information, logged all of my clothes, inspected each piece for any stains or areas that would require more attention and sent me on my way.
I wish I can say I got an estimate so I could have an idea of how long things usually take here. He tried to give me one but I told him I'd be back in on Wednesday (it was Thursday).
Fast forward- I went in early on Monday (three days later) to see if my things were ready as I wanted to do a last minute skiing trip and my skii clothes were there. They were ready, and while it was a different lady behind the counter she was just as friendly and helpful! I had about 11 items, some of them bulky, most of them silk, a little wool. Everything was handled beautifully! One of my favorite silk shirts which had a small blood stain on it (that was a crazy night) came back to me looking brand new, with no indication of any of the sheninigans it had seen!
This cleaners is open 24-hours but it seems as though they do send all of their stuff out to get done, and the store is just the front for pick up and drop off. Great and fast service, a thorough job done on all my pieces, I'll definitely be back!