| - I would give them no stars if I could. This rental company is good at one thing only, and thats RIPPING OFF honest people. We ended up renting a house thru them for 4-5 months, and with the military clause you're allowed to break your lease. My hubby was deploying, so we contacted them by phone, 2-3 months prior to leaving, called them 4-5 times more to remind them that we were leaving, so we put everything in storage and used the military clause to get out of the lease... Out of our $900 deposit... you wouldnt believe how much we got back... $6!!! yeah, you saw right... 6 fricken dollars... that cant even buy me a drink around here! The reasons: they wanted us to pay for yard clean up and landscaping (hello! we were only there for 4-5 months! why do we have to pay for that??), rent because we broke the lease, repairs and other things that should have been done prior to us moving in and a bunch of other crap. All the things that they charged us for... we called them numerous times while we were still living there and asked them to take care of it, and they never did... and at last, its our fault? B*tch please... the people that work there are rude, un-caring and selfish. As soon as we found out my husband was deploying, we contacted nicklin and told them... then they turn around and say "Well, you never wrote it down, so we dont have a written document to back up the fact that you called and told us so technically you didn't tell us, so we still have to charge you rent"
We ended up meeting a few other couples that have had problems with nicklin as well, so it was sad knowing that we weren't the only being treated like that. Unbelieveable. Un-freaken-believeable.
After arguing with them a few times, they gave us SOME money back, but not all... claiming that we still had to pay for the $350 for landscape and yard service and $200+ for rent for not informing them that we were leaving so soon and some other charges that we still had to pay for.
But.... if you absolutely must rent through them, record everything when you're doing the initial walk-through on a house and point EVERYTHING thats wrong. and EMAIL or WRITE everything... dont bother calling... they dont take calls seriously.
You would think they would be more considerate with military personel and especially with someone deploying... dont waste your time, they're too inconsiderate to care.