I had high hopes that this place was on the same level as Salt River in feel and character but I sure did not have that after visiting it last night. Maybe as I never have been at Wrigley I am missing some of the customized elements.
By far the biggest issue, minus the stupid prices for t-shirts and concessions, is the exceedingly poor scoreboard. We sat in the lower level of the first base side and had a heck of a time reading the scoreboard. Here are my gripes on the scoreboard:
Too small to be useful
At night it is not very well lighted so seeing the non-lighted sections is impossible
About 1/3 was being used for advertising
No stats provided for the batter (take a lesson from Salt River)
The line up on the left side did not highlight the batter but with the letters so small it would not be of much use.
By the way the parking lot lighting but there was no signage as to how to exit and the entrance was blocked off!
I never have been to a ballpark above a crude kids field that did not have the distances from home plate to the outfield fence shown with signs hanging on the fence.