I bought a 2017 Santa Fe Sport a week ago which is my first new car and car payment! Our sales guy was very helpful and professional the first time we went in. I didn't feel pressured. I don't know what the numbers part of the deal was like as my dad went in the next day while I was at work so I just met him the second day to pick my color and sign the contract. I looked online afterward and think we overpaid but by this time it was too late. It helps to do your homework and not be rushed into a car like me due to my old car braking down.
We signed paperwork left the lot, got a call back the next day to come back in to sign a new contract because we got a lower interest rate. We were happy but then I went in and signed and my dad was going to go the next day. I went home and looked at the numbers in detail and they added the maintenance plan without asking me!! It would have ended up costing me $1250 more in the end. Yet they told me I was only paying $500 more and didn't even tell me they added the plan, I had to find it a home after I left. Yeah I would only be paying $500 more but I could have been paying $1250 less with the new interest rate o I guess it is how you look at it. My dad/cosigner went in the next day to sign his half and talked to the director of finance about this. Long story short, they removed the maintenance plan and that required me to GO BACK IN! Let's just say it was inconvenient. I can't speak for my dad since we went in separately but I felt like they weren't apologetic about what happened. So at this point, the fourth time there, I am skeptical and I tried asking my own questions and felt like I was disturbing the director. He seemed "too busy" for me and continuously kept his eyes on his computer doing his work. I wish I had better service and a lil more sympathy.
I don't like sneaky people. Hard to trust dealerships and this is why. Something small but to me, it was the principle. How can I trust you now. And it definitely dampened my experience.
I also wanted darker tint in back and was told only the front two windows were tinted when we looked at the floor model and back were privacy glass. So I planned on tinting the back to the darkest I could go after I purchased my vehicle. When I sat down to sign my original contract, I saw that I was charged $399 for tint! I asked the finance guy why so much for just two windows!? He wasn't very helpful in knowing why and advised me to ask my sales rep. I ended up talking to the manager to get clarification on if my back window were tinted or not since the sales guy was not in and he told me they were tinted so now I have to have them removed and retinted and pay AGAIN after I already paid $399! Pretty bummed. This was very important to me and it would have made me rethink what car I would have picked or would have asked to work that in the deal. Now I will be paying $600-$800 for tint on my windows which is CRAZY!!!!!! I am hoping my first service call will go better when it is time or I will be getting my car serviced some where else. Just be careful with the finance team. I love my car so far. Just the experience that was disappointing.