| - Gave it a shot and ate there during dinner time. The decor of the place is spartan, not a whole lot to look at. The menu features the basic Japanese express type food, with Hibachi or Teriyaki flavor. They also have a mini sushi area and serve sushi, didn't try it.
I got the Hibachi Steak with fried rice and water. The price was $10 plus tax, typical price in Charlotte. For the water, I got a small styrofoam cup, which is fine. After a few minutes, not long, the food is ready and comes on a disposable plate with plastic fork and shrimp sauce (white color).
Despite I ask the steak to be medium rare, it was more medium well. The fried rice is the usual you find anywhere else, it had a slight crunch to them and bland taste; I suspect they have been sitting in the rice cooker all day. The steak is mixed with the vegetables and swimming in sauce; I ate the food by fishing them out and onto the rice before eating the food. The overall food was bland and the shrimp sauce didn't do much to it; added soy sauce in the rice section which did help though. The steak is a cheap meat, with some griddle in it. The mushrooms were oddly big and uncut, didn't really feel like chomping them; the other vegetables were fine. After the meal I had a strange film in my mouth that was unpleasant, possibly from the shrimp sauce.
In the end, I was unimpressed and didn't think the food was worth it. Staff was nice, but if the food is just blah that its not worth a second visit.