I don't think there is a single bank that I've had more issues with than Bank of Nevada. Their website is complete crap that resembles something a CCSN computer science freshman would design. They post "real time" so you never truly know what your balance is at any given time. They decide when they will put an ACH through and play around with your money. One hour your balance could be $1100 and two hours late you're at $200. With most banks if you check your balance in the morning it will reflect everything that deducted for that day and you know exactly where you stand for the day and spend accordingly. Bank of Nevada will show charges then hide them then when you think it cleared, two days later your check will have cleared for real. My husband has his business account here so I went along with switching our personal account too. Worst mistake ever. I could keep going on but it will just be a rant. If you want to avoid frustrations, stay far far away.