| - I love this place. It's cozy, warmly lit and has an extensive menu. Both times I've been there's been something with taro root on the menu and that's an ingredient I wish I could eat every day. The food is tasty and complex but I'm here to talk about the service, which is by far the best of any place I have ever been.
Some background: My husband is a vegetarian with fifty food allergies, many to commonplace vegetarian ingredients like nuts, avocado, coconut flesh, basil, raw vegetables and lentils. It's been an uphill battle to track and understand these allergies, which result in something called allergic esophagitis, but we do all right. Some of his allergies are life-threatening, but the majority just result in pain. Going out to vegetarian restaurants is usually not so great, as the idea of allergies is met with skepticism at best all the way to a waitress laughing in his face. It flabbergasts me because we learned how to feed him healthfully, so I don't appreciate the cracks about "but what do you eat??" from people who work with food.
At Vegetarian Haven, we are treated with respect and understanding. They always take down the list, consult with the kitchen and do everything to make sure he can eat his meal safely. We feel cared for and that's all one can really ask of service, isn't it?