We came for a Cher concert in May. Cher was great and anyone who says she lip syncs doesn't know what they are talking about. The park theater is nice, there are no bad sight lines. Even sitting in the top balcony the view is great. You aren't very far from the stage anywhere. The issue I had with the theater is the seats are too close together. All the seats have cup holders which was nice until the person who purchased the seat next to me showed up. He was a very large person. The seats are small and this guy spilled over into my seat and I had to move my drink to the floor if I didn't want his flesh in my drink. He took up half my seat, I had to sit leaned over against my spouse otherwise this stranger was leaning on me. That was gross. Thankfully we had an aisle and 2nd seat so we weren't squished between two overly large people who didn't seem to care if they infringed on the seats and cup holders WE paid for.