'Twas my first time visiting this place, and I must say the place is nice. However, the employees and the system that have going are not pleasant.
You get yelled at for every little thing if your not a robot who can remember every rule they have. Considering I have been shooting at ranges for 3 years, I know all the rules of gun safety. That being said, they have a lot of extra rules here because the people aren't divided and it's just like going to the desert and going shooting.
Like the fact if you accidentally leave your target lying next to the gun table, you can't retrieve it until cease fire is over (20 mins of shooting for every 10 minutes of cease fire, also kinda iffy).
That being said, if you hang one target up, and you and someone else shoot it up in 5-10 minutes.
Your stuck waiting 10 to put another one up, and if you accidentally enter cease fire and your target isn't behind the yellow line, your really unable to do anything for the next 30 minutes.
The range officers have bad attitudes.
I think that's the worst thing.