| - So, all in all, I planned on taking these issues up with the concierge while I was at the hotel. However, after I requested a bell hop for check out and ended up waiting for half a hour as the concierge never notified the bell hop that I had requested someone... I decided not to waste any further time with them.
All in all, it's a very pleasant atmosphere and could be a great room. However, they seriously need to step up on the cleanliness factor.
Overall, throughout my room there were multiple dead bugs lying upon the ledge right above the bed, along with a hung wood decoration that was absolutely covered in dust and filth, just as they lamps right next to the bed were covered in dust and dirt. Checked out the patio, lovely. Empty beer can and an empty pack of smokes lying in the dirt right in the front of the patio and the light outside doesn't work (spent some time fiddling around and the light bulb was unscrewed for whatever reason).
Serious pest problems in the rooms, too. I understand it's a rural environment and some bugs and critters are expected, but this was an insane amount. Noticed several ants in the room, moths (including dead ones just lying around the room...), 3 different spiders and miscellaneous others, amongst the previously discovered deceased ones by our pillows. I grew up not to far from the hotel on 5 acres of land and had maybe 20% of the pest problem that this suite had.
Bathroom, meh. Random stains on the stonework in there, hole in the bathroom shower stall wall (I'm interested to know if there was anything behind that wall besides just drywall, because water dripping onto drywall for prolonged periods, betting there's mold in the wall). There were also various other holes in the same wall as well as toilet stall wall with strange looking black strings coming out of it, have no idea what these were, but most of them were growing through holes in the grout, so highly doubt they should have been there and they were very off putting.. Made an already somewhat cramped shower more cramped as they were all throughout the shower wall and didn't want to touch them.
Then, in no particular order, are some other issues that were discovered; hole in the wall by the door with paint peeling back from it, dirty patio door windows (would've been nice to enjoy the view from the room... not just the water spots and dirt on the windows), smudges on light switches, dusty tv screen, black smudge on the bench by the fireplace that looked a lot like a foot print, stains on the wall by the bed along with scuffs, dusty closet, hair left on the bath tub from the previous guest (noticed as soon as we got in the room, could not of been one of us), glass for the mini bar was chipped in places, volume for the tv did not work at all with the remote or on the TV, made in China stickers left on the decor, as well as the screen door for the patio would not close.
Also, pray you don't get a first floor room. The upstairs neighbor woke both of us up at 4 AM due to them just walking. Not only can you hear the footsteps, but since there are wooden beams on the roof, those seem to squeak as well when the person above you walks. When they started packing, it got all the worse. Anything they seemed to move was extremely loud in our room. I caught a small audio portion on my phone using voice memo and not only did it register on my phone and capture it, but the amplitude of the wave was the same as when I compared it to myself talking with voice memo on from approx 5' away. Meaning that the noise level from above was just as loud as me talking at normal volume from a few feet away. Ended up going to bed at 3:30 that morning and had maybe 10 mins of shut eye as it did not stop for several hours. Ended up just staying awake and not bothering trying to sleep just because the noise was so annoying.
The last thing that overall left a foul taste in the mouth, was the concierge that I requested the bell hop from. Requested this at 11:43 AM via the text service. Concierge responded back at 11:44 AM saying they will be there shortly and asked if I self parked. Responded back, was told to expect someone momentarily. 23 minutes later, text them again for an eta. 4 min response time from someone this time to answer the question for the eta, making me believe they did not know since the previous responses all came back within a minute. Was told someone was on their way. Arrived shortly thereafter and he informed me that no one had notified them we had requested services until after I inquired into the ETA and sincerely apologized.
The only saving grace that this place had was the evening bell hop and the bell hop in the morning. They both were amazing and very respectful. I know the evening one was name Brandon, unfortunately did not catch the name of the AM one. However, both of these men did a job well done. They were the only reason I was somewhat satisfied with this stay and gave it even two stars.