You want funny? Puff is hilarious!
You want magic? You get amazing tricks!
You want funny costars? Squire Francis and the hot lady who does splits (sorry, can't remember her name) and of course Mr. Piffels!
I've have seen Piff three times. The show has never been the same and in my opinion keeps getting better each time.
My last time seeing Piff was at the end of December. The show was outstanding. But talk about an extra special treat, Penn of Penn and Teller was there and in a dragon costume. You could clearly tell he was a bit under the weather (his could tell he was battling a cold). Even still, Penn gave it 110% by still going on and even singing a song. To top it off, he also posed for pictures after the show. Talk about a class act!!
Overall, Piff's sense of humor is only secondary to his magic skills. This show is worth every dollar. One of the best shows in Vegas..period. And talk about appreciating his fans. Piff is available after the show to take pictures. This SHOULD have been the real winner of AGT!