I was told that this school was an alternative in the ever disappointing Clark county school district. Compared to others I see why you'd assume that at first glance.The staff is more competent and professional but still I find the school disappointing.
I've always had my child in private schools and i attended catholic school so forgive me if my standards are too high, but my son has a crowded classroom, unfriendly school mates one of which stabbed him with a pencil and two others called him a b word and teased him about his glasses.
As far as academics I'd say they're OK. The teachers and principals are nonchalant but responsive. It seems they have a great direction and plan with little execution or follow through. The secretaries and office staff however are great. All in all its an OK school but I just can't be happy with my child anywhere I don't feel he is safe, I don't know a mother who would.