After a visit today at Deer Springs Modern Dentistry at 10:30 AM, I can tell you steer clear of these dentists. Their BAIT and SWITCH tactics are similar to the car dealers in the old days. I called several dentists last week to get my teeth cleaned while visiting Vegas for a few months. The receptionist told me I would receive an exam, X-rays and teeth cleaning for $49.00. I asked more then once if this was correct because I pay $100.00 with my home dentist every four months.
I was examined by Dr. Naman Zia Ebrahimi who was not very friendly, nor asked why I was there. He proceeded to tell me I needed a deep cleaning which would be done in sessions. I asked how much it would cost and he said my gal who does financials will be in. When she arrived she proceeded to tell me it cost almost $600.00 with a discount. I asked why I wad told I could clean my teeth for $49.00 and their tactics were false advertising. She said that's all she could do and that she may be able to talk the doctor into simply polishing my teeth. I left and refused to pay them anything with a fight. Wonder why????
Find someone who cares for their patients and not money!!!