Had been here once before with a party of three and really enjoyed it. So I tried to make a reservation a week in advance for my birthday, a party of 7. When I called, I was informed that they don't take reservations, but as soon as one member of the party showed up, we could get on the list. Okay great!
Showed up last night, a rainy Wednesday, a half hour early and was told by the hostess that they couldn't really accommodate 7 people. This would have been helpful information to have been told during my original phone call - I had told the person on the other end of the line that we were a party of 7. Wtf.
The hostess thought she could squeeze us into a booth in the back and that it would be about an hour. She suggested we take a walk while we wait (in the rain?) as she could text me when our table was ready.
Went over to Genna's. No text after an hour so we went back - turns out that one person couldn't make it so we were now a party of six and she squeezed us into an open table.
Ordered the Guac - it was awesome but $7 for the smallest bag of chips I've ever seen.
There are some things on the menu mistakenly labeled as vegan that the waitress said couldn't be made vegan. There are also some vegetarian items that "have the cheese already mixed in" so they couldn't be made vegan either. The four vegans in our group all got the same taco. A good taco but it would be nice if the menu was more accurate.
Great margs but probably won't be back. Can't wait til Bel Air finally opens.