This club's management is a true example of why L.A. Fitness holds such a poor reputation for it's business practices. After being told and sold on how their memberships/guest privileges work, a new GM is brought in and changes the policy, even though the salesperson (who is still there) admits to selling something different. When confronted about the "bait n switch" tactic I am told the VP of the region said to read your contract. Any attempt to escalate and have further conversation with the VP was thwarted with a response of call our corporate customer service.....
Clearly management on sight and in the region does not understand the importance of honest business practices and respecting the confirmed and admitted verbal promises made by their sales agents. This company has no BALLS! This Gm and VP have no scruples and conduct business lower than a used car dealership on a country road....
Now, after going to a different club, explaining the situation and the heated discussion I had with the GM, I am told by the management that they will work to find a resolution and had deep sincere apologies......At least someone at L.A. Fitness gets it.....
Great club to have a solid true workout. Don't waste time at the Val Vista club...dark, hot and poor management. Hit the others in the East Valley. They get it!