I had a korean bbq craving because I was so use to eating it so often in the Orange County, CA. They must have had over 20 within a 10 mile radius, so with that said.. I can safely say that I have the ability to judge good or bad quality of meat. The panchan was about the only good thing we got... the service is horrible, ignored over 10 times, took over 30 mins to get our check. We ordered the brisket and pork belly. When the order was brough over it was brownish... so I though eh if you cook it it will be fine.. WRONG. Both the brisket and pork belly was dry as sandpaper the sauces did not help. It surprises me that porkbelly can be so dry?! The grill kept getting sticky but it took forever to flag a waiter down to change it. I have yet to try the sushi but I will definately be sticking to CA for korean bbq now.
Pretty pricey too for such low quality meat.