| - If YYZ is my final destination, then I actually quite like it here because it's clean, fairly easy to find your way around (except for some of those weird D gates that live in a place where time forgot)..but if I'm connecting here, then I pretty much hate it; the only reason why I don't avoid Pearson altogether for a connection is because I have a Nexus card and can whiz by much of the bullshit. If you don't have Nexus though, then you have to mess with some machines before US Customs and wait for them to call umber in order to talk to someone, it's such a weird system.
I was running to make my connection yesterday with my Nexus slip in my hand. The last flight to Montreal is at 11pm and I was hurrying to make it when a customs guy pops out of nowhere by the escalators to 'chat': "how did you like Milwaukee?" was ok. "What did you do there?" drank a lot of beer. "Where are you going, do you live there?"...honestly, it was about 20 questions until I finally showed him that my flight was boarding and I still had security to go through until he waved me through.
Got to security out of breath as I had to get to the second floor and then security said they didn't have enough staff on that level, so to please go upstairs and around the corner. Waited in line there with a bunch of other Montreal passengers in panic mode when the security guy couldn't get the ticket scanner to work, so had to have a discussion with another inept security person about how weird the machine was acting. She said "Just do it manually and get them going" to which he answered with mouth-breathing and staring at my ticket in his hand for another 30 seconds; unreal.
The food options here are terrible, expensive and not very good for the most part. The wifi is ok, coffee options are good and there are lots of places to sit though, so they've got that going for them.