| - Despite it's huge neon sign and incredible proximity to the very busy Yonge-Dundas intersection, the Imperial Pub is still a comfy low key watering hole. The second floor Library Lounge, my room of choice, is an ideal informal meeting place for large groups to gather because of the room's spaciousness and the malleability of its furnishings. Well worn chairs facing each other and extra long tables are conducive to conversation while a big screen TV and foosball table will keep you entertained.
For it's extremely laid back factor and location neighbouring Ryerson, a visit to the Library Lounge will have you more than likely in the company of students, RU graduates, and chilled out locals. Once upon a time, when convenience and familiarity were higher on my list of priorities, this was a great place to frequent. It seems that this is still the case for many a happy pub goer.
Although there will always be a place in my heart for the Library, a more recent visit has confirmed that this is not the only (nor best) place in town to find good fish and chips, old fashioned mugs of beer, and friendly bartenders.