My favorite bar in Montreal!!!
My boyfriend did a little research before our trip over the weekend to Montreal and discovered that this place had some great beers to try.
So we walked over on Friday night and enjoyed a few beers on their little terrace. Their staff is FANTASTIC!! Just the nicest people you will ever met. They were knowledgeable, friendly - the kind of people you want to hang out with all night long and drink with.
We loved this place so much that we ventured back on Sunday night and ended up hanging out with their staff and one of their friends. We chatted until the wee hours of the night about Montreal and beer, about NYC where we come from. We listened to some Beastie Boys and laughed about how crappy some of the other microbreweries are.
Needless to say, this place holds a special place in my heart. We even bought a two glasses as souvenirs to remind us of our fabulous time in Montreal.