Came in to look for some work wear, and found a couple of items. You need to come in with an open mind as it's usually hit or miss. There is an extensive sale/clearance section if you have some time to peruse.
What this store is lacking is the customer service. When I walked in, there was no greeting - ok, fine because no one was near the front. As I walked around the store, I saw sales people but none of them said hello.
When I went to check out the sales person asked for my email address and I asked for what - she said it was for the receipt so returns are easier. Then I asked if I will be put on a marketing list, and she said no. Well that's a lie. I have received email offers since.
The last thing was that when I walked out of the store, I must not have noticed the store alarm beep, and none of the associates stopped me. I walked into a couple other nearby stores and I beeped upon entrance, and it was after the second store I knew it was my (first) purchase at Ann Taylor. I had to walk back and ask the sales person to deactivate the sensor. No apology for the inconvenience.
Will I come back - not likely unless I'm bored and desperate. I'll go to another Ann Taylor or another store all together for my purchases.