UNLV is one of the Schools were you did not know you would end up at. My Alma Mater was one that provided me some fun memories and unique experiences.
What individuals do not realize is that the situation one comes across at UNLV is that of personal exploration. If you are an individual who can not survive without someone holding your hand than you will not survive in Vegas in General let alone at UNLV. This school / University takes a unique role instructing individuals on the finer things in life that only money can buy. Influenced by the famous Las Vegas Strip (which is with a quick mile walk away) hierarchy of have and have nots: is the fact that you can pay for your own private parking space. Transferring from So Cal schools I do not consider the Traffic woes at UNLV to be all that bad.
The general job market in Vegas if you are not willing to "Settle" for a Service Industry job is going to be leaving you with a sense of emptiness.
I was able to spend some quality time with my professors whether it be on the golf course, courtside for a Runin Rebel Game, or asking for some advice on how to handicap in the Sports Book that no other University can allow.