| - I had been on the hunt for a new pediatrician for my 14 month old daughter when I came across Dr. Vu online, rated one of the top three Doctors in the Henderson area. Awesome. booked an appointment then and there.
Arrived and the nurse that called us back to take her weight and height (never got her name as she was clearly not trying to have any kind of conversation at all, shoulder length grey hair) was short, seemed put out and bothered that my child was squirming as a normal toddler does.
Would have let her attitude slide if the rest of the trip was worth it. So we kept on. Dr. Vu was nice enough. Kind of over simplified things without giving a real straight answer and I felt a bit rushed. He recommended my daughter get two vaccinations that are normally administered at 15 months... and since she was only two weeks away from 15 months i figured we would go ahead. He finished up and told me the nurse would be in to give her the vaccinations.
As we were waiting for the nurse to come back, my daughter was clearly over being at the doctor's office and started crying. The nurse came in, same ray of sunshine that helped us earlier, doesn't say a word... sees me trying to calm my child, puts a piece of paper in my open diaper bag and tells me to lay my child down. She then told me in the same put out tone to hold her arms better (my daughter is in full melt down at this point and she hasn't even given the shot) sticks my kid twice, slaps a bandaid on and walks out. Not a single mutter from her. She did not tell me what vaccinations she just gave my child. She did not tell me what to do if my child were to have a reaction. I was in such disbelief, my kid was melting down and everything happened in two seconds I had to calm her down and gather myself before I could leave the room. I confronted the Dr. and asked which vaccines my daughter just received and told him about the nurse to which he responded "I'm sorry about that" in a not very sincere tone.
If I knew who to contact to make a bigger deal about this, I would.
Long story short, they told me to come back in three months. I'd get better service at a veterinarian's office.