Total bait and switch! They put out these great coupons for a FREE wax offer (bikini, eye brow, or under arm) for first time guests. The coupon clearly indicates an upgrade to a brazilian for $21. So I knew I didn't want a brazilian (much too painful). I thought, "Bikini! That's exactly what I want." So I call, explain that I have this coupon that I'd like to use for a bikini wax, ask to make sure it's a good coupon, and schedule the appointment. I show up for my bikini wax, they confirm my desired treatment, and I am called back for my appointment. The aesthetician proceeds to do my "bikini" wax and then asks me if I want to upgrade to a FULL bikini wax! HUH?! I didn't ask for a HALF bikini wax! What they call a bikini wax covers about 1" of the hair in the bikini area and in NO way would allow a woman to wear a bikini. Maybe a boyshort, grandma style of bikini but NOT a real bikini. What a ripoff! So I had to "upgrade" to a FULL bikini wax by paying $17.50 for my FREE bikini wax. I won't be back.