Never tried yoga before, decided to be nuts and try this. Mind you I hate exercise with a passion and have never been fit and toned in my life. However, I'm a walking stress basket case most of the time due to my college schedule (I take almost a double full load so I can graduate as quickly as possible), and job hunting all at the same time. It makes me irritable and bitchy.
So I heard this yoga thing would relax me mentally and make me less jumpy without me having to succumb to anti-depressants like most doctors try to push on you nowadays.
I have never in my life sweated so bad as I did at this class. It was a little embarrassing because I couldn't do many of the balance poses without toppling over. My boobs also hurt from laying face down for some of the poses. I felt like I was the fattest person in the class. However, none of this stuff bothered me like it normally would in any other situation.
I liked how I felt when I finally stopped sweating when I got home and rested a bit. It cleared my head and is helping me study for a law final I have to take in a few days.
I think I might go back and try a few more sessions to see how it goes later this week.