Ok I've been eagerly awaiting their opening and went with my bff this past weekend. I backed them via kickstarter as I'm an official crazy cat lady. I love love love what they are doing for the kitties and it's awesome. It's $12 for an hour per person. I can only comment on the cat room as let's face it, I'm here for the cats; not for the coffee or other trinkets. The place is amazing and very well thought out and appointed. The cats are clearly loved on and well taken care of.
Here's the rub - I actually found myself not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. I'm glad I went, but my issue is with the other patrons. Well let's face it people can be dicks and I felt like the cats were 'stressed' and being forced to dance monkey dance for some of the jerky patrons. For instance one of the cutest tuxedo cats in the world (besides my beloved Cole - may he rest in peace) was moseying over to grab a bite of kibble. One of the patrons came into the clearly "for staff and cats only" and picked him up to snuggle with him AS HE WAS EATING! Like seriously how would you feel if someone came and interrupted your mealtime? Little things like that just made the experience not so great for me and my guest. There was also a large group that was monopolizing the younger cats - again it's the patrons that made this a meh experience, not the venue. I'm conflicted in writing this review - but I just had an issue with how some of the patrons were forcing the cats to be held etc etc.
I think this is a great place to go if you are actively looking to adopt, but on a regular Saturday well I could stay home and play with my cat who actually likes me and isn't stressed out dealing with assholes all day. I am glad I went and glad my $$ went to support such a great cause.