| - I've been using them on and off for about 12 years. Would never use Dr. Baumler after he wanted to put my little dog under to "surgically" remove a small bump on her toe. I took her to another vet who said "what, this pimple? That's what it is, you know. You hold her and I'll pop it." Wala. It was healed.
However, I used to be a huge fan of Dr. Mackenzie. I must say in fairness that he immediately diagnosed a problem with one of my dogs when 11, tht's right 11 other vets could not. However, I recently took one of my little angels there. They were always fine with her before. She couldn't poo for two days. Mind you,, she was about 17 years old with incurable cancer. She was already EXTREMELY frail and had back issues as well. So they took her to the back. Long story short, she could not walk after they drained her anal glands and gave her a rectal. Dr. Mackenzie admitted he might have been a bit rougher with her (not his tech whom I initially blamed). Rough with a frail, old dog with back issues and cancer. Great. This poor baby of mine was trying her hardest to stay strong and hold onto her life and we were doing a great job together (she was on holistic herbs, etc.) until that visit. She never recovered. She crossed over two weeks ago, and i keep thinking how she couldn't walk her final couple of months and never regained her spirits after that. An animal communicator I use said (also) that it was the Dr. and not the tech, and that it reminded Mimi of when she was abused as a puppy (before we got her) and it really broke her spirits. We tried flower essences, homeopathy, I tried doing EFT with her. She was just never the same. I still wake up some mornings crying from the guilt of taking her in. I can guarantee that I will NEVER allow a vet to take one of my babies into a back room, out of my sight again. No matter how much I felt I could trust them. It only takes one time, and obviously, you just never know. And, as an update, a woman, Kelly K. obviously from here, messaged me and called me "batsh*t" and said I'm probably fat with a fat mouth (I'm not, but why should she care?)
. Isn't that nice? Such lovely people. They cripple your dog and call you names.