| - Overall enjoy living here. The parking sucks and the garages cost way too much (and increase every year...when I moved in it was 75, now 5 dollars shy of 100), and if you want a garage next to your apartment, good luck. I've been on the waiting list for a few months now just to get my garage closer to me.
Maintenance is effective, however good luck getting them to you if you have a dog, even if you do give them permission to enter, they won't. The apartments either want you to lock your dog in a room for 10 hours without food or water, or make you take time off of work so you can sit around at home waiting for about 5 hours for someone to show up.
People drive around like idiots here too. Either people park too close to the street or you have to worry about your local A-hole driving like the speed bumps don't exist coming at you head on. You can never pull into the community WITHOUT someone tailgating you... and then when you turn they stomp the gas to get around you. My bad, guess you missed the 10 MPH sign, but that's not enforced anyways.
The apartment itself is nice. I like the location of it and have a cheer of glee if I come home and someone is NOT in my parking spot. I'm currently in the Sunrise and the layout itself makes up for a lot of the issues. I also enjoy walking across the canal to go to Target or whatnot. The only complaint about the neighbors is when they think they are the only ones living in the building and blast their music at 2am. Unless you can hear it outside, good luck getting security to address the issue, you're better off calling Phoenix PD.
Final note, you're better off not renewing leases and just becoming a new tenant every other year. This is my third year living here, switched from two bedroom to a one bedroom, and it was the biggest headache and nightmare ever. I did not in the slightest feel appreciated to be a long term tenant, meanwhile my friend moved in a few weeks later and got the best move in experience ever. Every year my concessions decrease, meanwhile the fees increase. The only break I got was a waived security deposit.
Different parts of the community put off different vibes, that being said I have not had any issues with people being killed. Overall a safe neighborhood, if you count out the people who can't mind the speed limit, or can't keep a handle, a muzzle, or a leash, on their dogs.
-- I almost forgot to mention the staff! Overall the staff are very nice.. there seems to be a lot of turnover however. A complaint I have is that no one talks to each other or updates each other on your requests! I could call and ask about one issue that I spoke with one person, to be told I will have to speak to someone else. There is also no consistency, same thing... you ask person A, and person B tells you something different.