I just moved to this area about 7 months ago from Tempe, of course being spoiled by the un-present dangers of college life I was shocked that the first person to greet me here was a police officer. Surprisingly not shocked by that I proceeded with my shopping business.
300 ft in I was greeted by an associate working the 99cent area. "Nope, just looking thanks!" I was just wasting a little time and hoping to pick up some mascara before my night out. 3 mins later "can I help you find anything?" "Nope just looking" yet again another associate not 5 mins later asked again "Do you need any help finding anything?" I was baffled. I got more attention here than in Neiman Marcus! I have to say the staff here is a lot nicer than Tempe...college town where manners aren't exactly in the qualifications for hire. The staff here on 44th were so nice and genuinely too. It's been about a few months since the last review here and I have to at least clear it's reputation. The food area was not all that bad, and the Starbuck's (Being a corporate employee) was actually up to license standards. *smiles* I have this horrible habit of having to walk the entire store and touch a magazine or two...which after I grabbed what I was really there for and proceeded to check out. There must have been 45 in line...all with baskets full. Seeing that I only had one item, the lady at the customer service counter graciously took me and checked me out pronto! How awesome is that? I like this place, and a good thing I do because I got 6 months left of this lease!
P.S. The officer thing is not to scare you, come to find out it's actually a requirement that stores in phoenix have. Most stores in the area including Fry's and Wal-Mart have at least one at all times.