In the event anyone's actually looking for reviews of a Cracker Barrel, here is one. Their pancakes are pretty special. They're almost fried because they're cooked in so much butter. The edges are crispy. And buttery. And the pancakes are served with maple syrup. Actually, I noticed they finally succumbed to the "make money at all costs" impulse and it's now a maple syrup blend. Whatever... it's not Aunt Jemima.
I think they're the best pancakes anywhere. I would never come here for lunch or dinner. I would come at lunch or dinner time to eat pancakes, but that's about it.
I also enjoy picking up a pack or two of clove gum on my way out. Maybe some squirrel nut zippers candy.
Pancakes, 5 stars. Rest of breakfast, 4 stars. Everything else, meh...
But really, the pancakes are different. My wife hates them. I could eat them all day every day. If you love pancakes and haven't been to Cracker Barrel, give it a whirl. Tell us what you think.