| - Who doesn't love an art festival? - then stop reading this . . . and go turn on your NASCAR, otherwise proceed.
Parking is usually not fantastic at any street festival but Tempe has really beefed that up around Mill Ave.
This year it seems bigger than last, but i suppose that's how its supposed to be. Both with booths and with people. Wish there could be lanes to keep walking people organized. Its hard to view what's in the booth without meeting someone close up who was also trying to get a glimpse of what a booth had to offer.
Stuff that had me interested and I made a purchase with, in case this will tempt you to go to the next one: Nuts, a variety roasted in a plethora of spices and/or sugar, Lemonade, fresh squeezed and re-fillable, Hats, found a Hawaiian beach cap for a baby and his big white bald head sitting in the scolding sun, but I digress, Tiles, hand made into coasters with different landscape designs, Toffee, OMG the best toffee in this valley and for some reason the name is escaping me and I do apologize to the vendor that I purchased it from, I used to get it at my local farmers market, Oh heavens, just know you will find really good toffee there.