| - Lifetime is where a lululemon MILF can go to meet her future filthy cabana boy. In a club where the female membership ratio is high, the company seems to employ a plethora of mostly young, handsome, athletic men as personal trainers rather than women. In the short time I've been a member I can only recall only seeing three to six female personal trainers. I think their criteria for female trainers are as follows: must be fit, must be naturally attractive, preference for late 20's to mid 30's moms or mom-types, no "party girls". Any female not meeting above can chose to work in either the childcare, activities and/or front desk, or be a lifeguard .
The facilities are clean especially since the new renovations. It is lacking a tennis court, otherwise it almost has a country club vibe. Sure the family aspect is central to the club itself, but its more of an afterthought. We held a birthday party here and the party room was a former racquetball room. The childcare personnel is great.
You can expect group fitness to be full in January and back to school in August.
Lifetime's real mantra should be "SELL! SELL! SELL! because our members can afford it." Every inch of the facility is plastered with advertising for spa services, vitamins, heart rate monitors, etc.