My brother, his expecting wife, their 2 children, my son & I all went out for a nice family dinner this evening, while they were visiting from across the state.
We waited 45 min for food even though they weren't particularly busy while we were there. Then 3 out of the 7 of us received very burnt cheesesteak sandwiches!! It was only the bottoms of all our sandwiches, so we began eating & checked and didn't see burns (only checked tops). We noticed it tasted terrible!! We didn't eat much because it tasted awful, we had to leave so we couldn't ask for replacements, nor did they offer!!
When I got home, I was going to feed it to my dog, when I turned it over to peel it from the bread.....and it was burnt til it was like charcoal in spots!! Needless to say... I wouldn't feed it to my dog, and I sure as heck didn't! (Wasn't gonna clean up that afternath!) see pic of MY actual sandwich I received! Yuck!