This review has to be scaled for the fact that this is airport food. If I ate this in a normal situation, I would call it maybe a 2 star restaurant. However, for what it is, it is rather decent. The food was decently priced, we got a good sandwich and they had good selection. I particularly was ok with the sandwich that we had, t tasted like it had ingredients which were not bad. The sandwich had bacon turkey on a tomato bread. The tomato bread was interesting. They actually seemed to understand the rules of sandwich making. Which are :
-Soft fillings should be served on soft breads.
-Make sure there's a moisture barrier (i.e., something creamy or oily) between your -bread and wet ingredients (e.g., tomatoes).
-Keep slippery ingredients away from each other.
-Use a bread you'd be willing to eat on its own.
These are rather simple rules, but you would be surprised how often places don't understand them, and you get these sandwiches that one bite caused everything to poop out the back. The point of a sandwich is supposed to be that you can eat it easily while doing other things and not had stuff all over your hands. If the sandwich can't do that, it has failed in it's purpose of sandwichness!!!
The sandwich was almost made quickly and efficiently. I would eat here again.