If you can avoid this company, run away as fast as you can!! They are awful! I was 3 weeks late closing on my new house due to them and ended up having to stay in a hotel with 4 dogs during the time. They approved me and then kept coming up with random things for me to do that made no sense. For instance, my now-husband's (then fiance) parents were helping us with the down payment. We got the gift letter, etc. that we had to get and then this company asked me to become an authorized user on his parents bank account. In what realm is that a reasonable request?? This was also supposed to be a rush close in 2 weeks but took 5-6 weeks (longer than a typical closing).
Then, after finally closing, they didn't fully pay my insurance even though it's supposed to come out of escrow and I had to pay them out of pocket to avoid a late payment. I contacted them and they wouldn't pay it saying they had already paid.
Now they have sold my loan (which makes me very happy!) and I was told by both them and the new company to start making payments to the new company so i paid my mortgage to the new company. But on Saturday I received a late payment notice from them. Are you kidding?! They apparently don't even know who their customers are. And since it was Saturday they weren't open so I have to wait until Monday to call them.
Bottom line: This company is a complete mess! Run away!