| - This facility gets one star for having a radiologist and a radiology tech who know what they're doing.
The rest of the experience here was miserable. The entire front-end is made up of obnoxiously loud women who clearly have no concern for patient privacy. I was sitting around the corner and about 25 feet away from the receptionists. I heard every word they said to every person who came into the facility, right down to co-pays and address information.
Now, this is Arizona, so I could understand speaking louder for older patients who may have a hard time hearing. However, these receptionists could not discern between patients who may need some extra volume to help them, and the majority of patients who came through who were younger. Maybe they are frustrated actresses projecting their voices like the drama queens they appear to be.
While I was waiting for my boyfriend, they had a 45 minute wait on X-Rays, but there's another facility down the street. Need the directions? Oh, the receptionists will be more than happy to yell them at you.
I'm guessing that other people have complained about their lack of volume control because a few of the women were passing around some handout on their privacy practices. And, naturally, shouting about that too.
The people who take patients back did no better. Every patient name, even first and last names, were blasted out into the waiting room, but not once did I hear one of them introduce themselves by name or title to any of the six or seven patients I watched being escorted to their test.
And my favorite detail came from my boyfriend. While he was gowned waiting for his test with several other patients, he was directed to a cramped staging area where the flatscreen TV was cycling through a marketing campaign extolling the values and professionalism of this imaging facility. Ironically, this promotional video was muted. If only their management could achieve the same results with their tactless front-end staff.