WHAT?!! Sour cream glazed is back? ZOMG. And Pumpkin SPICE? And they were fresh as they should be.
So I lived in Winston-Salem where Krispy Kreme HQ is and I can tell you that there are a few things that are amiss here. First, there should have been napkins given at the drive-thru window. Who the hell eats donuts with no napkins. Second, the price in Vegas is like $2 more for a dozen than in Winston-Salem. So I question whether or not that's an excise fee because the ingredients have to travel further? I would imagine that the prices should be the same everywhere, but I guess not. In any case, that did throw me off a little.
Overall, Southerners know that Krispy Kreme is king when it comes to donut chains. Unless you happen to be a Yankee and then you'll love that Dunkin/Winchell's.
This establishment is okay but then again I don't really go into places if I can drive through them. Wait.... that didn't sound right.