I'm a huge fan of the Harris -- I dine there at least 3x a week. I'm not kidding. I've even got my father coming to the Harris for Bacon Night. We love it there.
The Shiloh Grill? Not so much. The menu is exactly the same as the Harris but every single time I've dined there there has been some sort of problem, ie we waited forever for our food, there was a hair in a salad (my friend is a hair dresser and in full disclosure she didnt even care--lol), an order was forgotten....
The last time I ate there I ordered the gazpacho and the Britney Spears. The gazpacho came out so spicy it was inedible. It was also salsa level chunky. I took two bites and sent it back and told the waiter--maybe I got a chunk of pepper? He agreed w me that it looked thick and I was very bummed out bc gazpacho is my favorite thing on the Harris menu.
One problem was that he clearly knew someone sitting at the table across from us and would stand there bs'ing with them while I was dying for a refill of water due to the Hellfire Strength gazpacho. I again want to mention that the gazpacho is NEVER that spicy. Brimstone shiz was going down in that bowl! I finally went to the bar for water. Our waiter never noticed.
I instead asked for mini mac n cheese.
The britney spears came out, two were burned and one was under cooked. You just cant go wrong w the mac n cheese ever. Its was honestly the high point of my whole day.
Then the check came and the gazpacho was still on it. It too so long to get the check I just paid and left. I'll not go back, I'm going to stick w the Harris. And Redbeards, which is right next door.