I wouldn't want to be a patient here. I was at this facility for several days with an ailing parent. It's hard for me to tell which disappointing (sometimes scary) aspects of the visit were due to this particular hospital, versus part of the medical communities rules and regulations. I'm sure the staff attempts to do their best, but we saw a fair amount of unprofessionalism (nurses chatting rather than helping, doctors who seem to think every question or concern is a joke, staff members contradicting each other, rules changing from one day to the next, the nurse actually lying to us regarding room availability, etc...). Necessary equipment was rarely available. Again, this could be the same as in most hospitals. Fortunately, I haven't spent much time in too many hospitals.
I can't imagine a patient being in this hospital without an advocate with them to watch out for their needs (family member or friend to "run interference"). Without this kind of help, you could have all kinds of problems with no one there to "run for help" when the "help" buzzer is ignored for 15 minutes.