| - Do NOT rent from these guys. They will be extremely nice to you for a couple weeks once you've moved in, then they'll do a total 180. When we first moved in, we were so excited because it seemed like we'd finally found a good rental company in Madison, but god has it turned awful. The only positive is that the maintenance guys are generally nice.
There is a parking lot outside of our building that is usually totally empty, so we've parked there a couple of times. Now they have this weird vendetta against us because we don't pay the $70 a month to park in a lot that was clearly built for our apartment building. There is a total of four units in our building, and about eight parking spots. Enough for each of us to have two spots! But since they smelled money, they want to charge their tenants. They come and hide out in the lot, then call parking enforcement. They tried to get my car (mine specifically) towed one day! Of course, the towing company was nice and agreed that it was ridiculous that I lived there yet was getting towed. In fact, every time I've spoken to parking enforcement or the towing company, they have been really apologetic. It seems like the rental company treats them like garbage as well.
I have spoken to the other renters, and none of them have complained about lack of parking. So basically, they spend their time staking out an empty parking lot to try to get people who park there tickets, which doesn't even benefit them. Don't they have anything better to do?
I forgot to add that twice a week, they come and stick notices in EVERYONE'S doors to notify them that there may be a visit at some point some day. This obviously gets them around laws saying that tenants must be notified about showings, because we've had two showings during the eight months we've lived here, yet twice a week, every single week, we get cards shoved in our doors. Slimy people.