"oh oh oh oh
"I, I got my head on aright"
In A Sentence
(A) Tropical Smoothie Café® that sucks really badly, due to indifference.
Quick Review
+ Location. Only positive is where it is.
- Service is never good. ¡Nunca!
- No breakfast until 8 A.M. (other than smoothies and other cold shit). I suspect is because they don't want to actually prepare the food they are paid to actually fucking prepare.
I have tried a couple of smoothies, sandwiches, and wraps here. (Check the check-ins!)
Service is fine ... never.
Now, what is major proverbial beef here?
I think they tell you they won't make breakfast sandwiches/wraps before 8 A.M. because they don't feel like making them. Automatic minus three stars for that.
Pro Tip:
Don't come hungry in the morning. There is a Tropical Smoothie Café® a couple of miles east on Charleston where the employees will actually do their job.
Pro Tip:
Don't bring a survey promotion here. They won't honour it. Take it a couple of miles east on Charleston.
Possibly the worst run Tropical Smoothie Café® on Planet Earth* ....
Pro Tip:
Just don't come here at all and go a couple of miles east on Charleston if at all possible.
Pro Tip:
Ask for the manager to be fired.
Rating: Two-stars, "Meh. I've experienced better."