| - Wish I had learned my lesson about Best Buy from my first review. I needed to purchase a camera for my b/f's birthday. He's starting a business and needed a decent camera to do brochures.
I'd been ill & couldn't get to a store previously, lost track of the time passing & suddenly the date is here with no time to internet shop. So, I gave Best Buy another try.
I asked if the camera came with a macro lens, the guy said yes, I asked if there was anything else I needed to make the camera work, he said no. Birthay arrives, yay on the gift - but nooooooooooooo it doesn't work - because the guy didn't tell me it needed a chip. Oh, and noooooooooo, it does NOT have a macro lens, nor is it compatible with a macro lens. I'm ticked enough about the spoiled b-day that, instead of going back and purchasing the needed items, and rewarding the store for not providing its employees with a failproof informational system, I will get a refund.
There are two real camera shops in the North Side. It's worth $20 more to have somebody there that knows all about cameras and who can serve as reference for future upgrades and expert advice.